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  • 现向大家介绍书写个人陈述过程中的十要十不要,请记住这二十条,申请人写的个人陈述自会给校方留下深刻的印象。 十要 1.一定要追求深度,把主要精力投入在一两个主题或经历上。 2.一定要写别人不可能写的东西,即你自己
  • 我在去年帮助我老公做了20几所学校的申请,所以在申请方面也积累了一些经验。我相信Personal Statement (PS)和Recommendation Letter (RL)的写作可能是大家在申请过程中遇到的最大问题了。思马得工作室出的一些GRE的书,
  • 1.对所要申请的学校和专业是否有深入细致的了解,能做到在写自述时紧扣学校和专业的要求及特点,突出自己的申请优势。 2.自己的人生经历中有什么独特的、非同寻常的地方?在家庭生活和社会生活中有哪些人或事件影响了自己
  • 英文履历表无论是申请学校、或是找工作,都经常要用到。以下便是基本的写作方法: 英文履历表该有那些内容? 写作注意事项 Dos And Don’ts Resume的三种格式及范例 其他相关网站 英文履历表该有那些内容? 以下是
  • A student of the Peking University’s inaugural program of advertising, I am writing in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program of communication studies. With my solid education and my professional experience that is as colorful as it is rare, I belie
  • Last year, I learned something that few young people of early 20s would want to learn. This is, anguish is an integral part of life. On March 31, 1996, a day I shall never forget, my father passed away, having suffered a heavy heart attack. Until then, I had not given much thoug
  • Brought up in a shabby and cramped small apartment, I was fascinated in my childhood by the exquisite houses and condominiums I watched on TV in images that had been shot in the developed countries. It has since been my dream to build up in China the same kind of quality human h
  • The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. --My Motto While I was still as freshman in 1991, I took part in a project in which a milling machine design done by Germans w
  • By applying for Ph. D. studies at your university, I am seeking to fulfill a childhood dream to understand and appreciate the wonders of nature. Born and brought up in a small city on the Yun-Gui plateau in southwest China, I was full of curiosity in my childhood as I observed t
  • An experienced electronic engineer trained in Chinas major cradle of technological talents, I am submitting this document in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program. With more than eight years of higher learning and quality research behind me, I now s
  • The personal data enclosed in this application file will demonstrate my profile as a child prodigy who entered into Jilin University at 16 and joined the countrys topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at 20. Now with an engineering experience of 4 years a
  • A fourth-year student grounded solidly in the basics of computer science, I am writing in pursuit of graduate studies that I hope can help me acquire cutting-edge expertise in software programming in general and parallel processing in particular. Intrigued by the power of the co