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特别奖学金:Rotary World Peace Scholarships Program
2013年02月21日来源:UScampus作者: 万佳留学

Seventy Rotary World Peace Scholars per year will receive scholarships to complete a two-year master's degree program in international relations, peace studies and conflict resolution.  Scholars will study at one of seven University Partners around the world.

Applicants for Rotary World Peace Scholarships should possess an undergraduate degree (or equivalent); they must demonstrate a commitment to peace and conflict resolution through service, academic and/or professional achievements.  In addition, they must be proficient in a second language, including the language of the proposed host university.

Application for Rotary World Peace Scholarships must be made through a local Rotary club in the applicant's legal residence, place of full-time study or employment.  Contact local Rotary clubs for application deadlines.  For program details, applications materials and additional information, see the Rotary Centers Web Page: http://www.rotary.org/foundation/educational/amb_scho/centers/index.html or email the Rotary Foundation: rotarycenters@rotaryintl.org
