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随着美国留学申请的递增, 现在想奔赴美国学习法律的莘莘学子越来越多 ,但是想申请美国顶尖法律学府确实需要学生有过硬的基础  可以说是过五关斩六将。其中难点最大的还要数LSAT法学院入学考试 。那么什么事LSAT呢 ?现在就让万佳留学资深美国部专家张子良老师给你一一解析吧。


LSAT是Law School Admission Test(法学院入学考试)的缩写。该考试做为美国法学院申请入学的参考条件之一,该成绩将作为预估申请入学者在法学院的正确且合理的推论与判断能力、分析及评估能力之表现,没有资格报考的限制。考试包括三个方面的内容,每部分时间为35分钟,另加30分钟的写作。三个方面的内容是阅读理解、逻辑推理及分析推理。


是由位于美国宾西法尼亚州的法学院入学委员会(Law School Admission Council简称Law Services)负责主办的法学院入学资格考试。做为美国法学院申请入学的参考条件之一,该成绩将作为预估申请入学者在法学院的正确且合理的推论与判断能力、分析及评估能力之表现,没有资格报考的限制。简而言之,LSAT是为测试赴美加地区留学学生的英语能力,其成绩只是作为申请入法学院的评估条件之一。几乎所有的法学院都要求申请人参加LSAT考试。


一 基本摘要

1 历史 1948 年成立

2 1991年形成固定考试形式

3 Reading comprehension, Logical, and Verbal reasoning proficiencies

4广泛英语与美国  加拿大  澳洲等国家

5满分180    最低120     平均分150

6每年有四次考试机会    ( 两年内不得考超过三次)

7 考试费用 180 美金二 考试时间地点摘要


二 备考时间


2  若离6月的LSAT考试还不到2个月,时间不够,难以保证有充分的练习,并在考试时最大程度地发挥潜力。若你现在还未开始备考,应该计划在10月考试。

3 若你已经开始准备,并计划参加6月的LSAT,就需要在将来2个月,任何事以考试优先。尽量在6月考试之前,每周2次模拟考试,最好是3次。


三 考试模块(Six total sections )

Four scored multiple choice sections

One Unscored experimental section 

One  Unscored writing section






四  打分规则

Adjusted scores lie in a bell curve, tapering off at the extremes and concentrating near the median. For example, there might be a 3–5 question difference between a score of 175 and a score of 180, but the difference between a 155 from a 160 could be 9 or more questions. Although the exact percentile of a given score will vary slightly between examinations, there tends to be little variance. The 50th percentile is typically a score of about 151; the 90th percentile is around 165 and the 99th is about 173. A 178 or better usually places the examinee in the 99.9th percentile.



五  题目解析

1 逻辑推理

The LSAT contains two logical reasoning ("LR") sections,

commonly known as "arguments", designed to test the taker's

ability to dissect and analyze arguments. LR sections

eachcontain 24–26 questions. Each question begins with a short argument or set of facts. This is followed by a prompt asking the test taker to find the argument's assumption, to select an alternate conclusion to the argument, to identify errors or logical omissions in the argument, to find another argument with parallel reasoning, or to choose a statement that would weaken/strengthen the argument.













2 Reading comprehension

The LSAT contains one reading comprehension ("RC") section consisting of four passages of 400–500 words, and 5–8 questions relating to each passage. Complete sections contain 26–28 questions. Though no real rules govern the content of this section, the passages generally relate to law, arts and humanities, physical sciences, or social sciences. The questions usually ask the examinee to determine the author's main idea, find specific information in the passage, draw inferences from the text, and/or describe the structure of the passage.



3.Logic game

•       The current LSAT contains one logic games (LG) section, officially referred to as the "analytical reasoning" section. One section contains four "games" falling into a number of categories including grouping, matching, and ordering of elements. Each LG section has 22–24 questions. Each game begins by outlining the premise ("there are five people who might attend this afternoon's meeting") and establishing a set of conditions governing the relationships among the subjects ("if Amy is present, then Bob is not present; if Cathy is present, then Dan is present..."). The examinee is then asked to draw conclusions from the statements ("What is the maximum number of people who could be present?"). What makes the games challenging is that the rules do not produce a single "correct" set of relationships among all elements of the game; rather, the examinee is tested on their ability to analyze the range of possibilities embedded in a set of rules. Individual questions often add rules or modify existing rules, requiring quick reorganization of known information. The LG section is commonly regarded by LSAT takers as the most difficult section of the test, at least at first, but it is also the section that can be most improved upon with practice. 

•       分析推理部分一般分四组,共有24个问题。每组里面的每一个问题都基于一系列的条件,这些条件共同描述一种情况,例如,把人分成几组,把物品按顺序排列等。这部分试题主要测试考生理解有关关系结构并推出结论的能力。


4 Writing sample








六 各大院校录取平均值


